Monday, April 27, 2009

"Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought."-Percy Bysshe Shelley

This weekend was pretty fun but sad at the same time, It started when Darren and I left the house about the same time on Friday morning. I was headed to work and he was headed to coffee with someone who is interested in the worship ministry. As soon as I could get in my parking spot at work, Darren called that I had his keys and he needed them to get into the office. He had a spare key to run the Jeep so he went on to the coffee house and I met him there with his keys shortly after. That morning I had tried to call the front office at the apartments and make them aware that we are trying something new with Jude, putting him on the back porch in his crate. If you weren't aware, we have had multiple noise violations because while we are gone for any amount of time, Jude barks until we get back. I finally took him to the vet because nothing seemed to make it better. $150 later I took him home and tried this diffuser thing that needless to say didnt work. We tried giving him 1/2 a benedryl before we leave and that didnt work. We bought an endless amount of toys to occupy him and over the counter calmants from Petsmart. Still nothing. He's the best puppy you can ask for as long as he's with someone. He would sleep all day in your lap if you let him but if you leave he'll bark all day. The vet says he suffers from Extreme Separation Anxiety. This also causes him to not control his bowels while locked up. So basically he was getting more baths than we were. 1 every time we left and came home. If we were home, he would aways go to the bathroom outside. Anyways long story short we had 10 noise complaints in 1 hour on friday morning and we had to meet my parents in Chapel Hill with him on saturday or we would get evicted. We are so sad and miss him so much but mom says he's doing really well there and not messing up his pen and he's trying to make friends with their two dogs, molly and lily. Hopefully we'll be able to get him back soon when he conquers this stage of life.

Friday evening as soon as the clock hit 4:30, I was outta here. I was headed home to meet Darrens mom who was babysitting Jude while we went to the Dave Matthews concert. Darren was really happy with the close seats and we had a wonderful time.

After the sad trip to and from Chapel Hill on saturday to meet mom and dad, Darren played and sang at Rocky River Coffee House from 7-9pm. He was a big hit and had over 40 people showed up. Everyone just loved him. He hopes to do this again really soon.

Sunday went well although I wasnt feeling too good that morning I pushed through and sang "Shadow Feet" in both services. I love that song.

Well thats it for now...Love ya'll