Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The Craziest among the Crazy
Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 6, 2011
And June Begins....
Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
All things new.....

Things are also going well for Darren's business. He designed & launched his new website http://www.2ndstoryproductions.com/ and is really excited about the opportunities it will bring. He's also started doing some office hours during the week at Hickory Grove North http://www.discoveryhickorygrove.org/ among being one of their staffed musicians.
Darren will be leading worship at the Charlotte Motor Speedway this weekend at the Church's camp ground. He will also be doing it next Sunday for all the Nascar Campers. This is done through the Victory Racing Ministry we have at Hickory Grove.
I just wanted to catch everyone up a bit. Hope you are all doing well. XOXO
Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 28, 2011
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr Seuss
Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Unlikely Places, Unlikely Faces
So..... yes, its been over a year. Why do I decide to blog now? Well one source really. A complete stranger I met off ebay prompted me to write a new blog post. You know who you are, don't even act like you're not reading this one. :) Get back to work!
It's not as creepy as it sounds...as far as I know. Darren happened to sell his Taylor Classical to a guy in Wilmington. We ended up have some common ground and have become somewhat of cyper friends.
Well as for the updates, there's too many to tell. At the current moment we are frantically looking for another apartment seeing as our lease is up the end of January and we all know how procrastination bit us in the hiney last time. We thought we were ahead of the game and went ahead and paid the application fee, did all the paperwork and were approved for the place I had decided was perfect and a brilliant locations for both my jobs and Darren's many. Unfortunately they don't have any available that we wanted. I guess we weren't the only ones that thought they would be perfect. Back to the drawing board.
So many things to consider when it comes to finding an apartment. I mean, I've dealt ... well "dealt" is not the right word...I've put up with the friendly neighborhood drug dealer and wife beater....and finally had those lovely neighbors evicted. Where are all the old people out here?! Can't I just find a nice widow that wants to cook dinner for us and bring us cakes and fudge that she makes while watching her daytime soaps? I would even let her borrow a cup of sugar or some eggs whenever needed.
Oh well, at the moment I'm sitting at the gym watching people workout, it's slow right now but this time of year it always picks up. I signed 8 memberships in 3 afternoons last week. Not bad. The electrical company is picking up as well. This past month alone we've started new apartment jobs in Cary, Durham, High Point, Fayetteville and Raleigh along with the Norfolk one. That job has kept me real busy lately. I'm ready for a break. Laura and Barry dropped in from Nashville this past week. Planning on making a trip up that way the beginning of January to visit them as well as Jeremy and Jill.
Darren's starting back up with the CD project, he's keeping busy at Hickory Grove North, Freedom House, Masterworks, Northside and his Graphic Design business is really expanding. He's working with a school of worship, Charlotte Unite, as well as a hip hop company right now. He's having fun with their graphics.
Okay, well that's somewhat of a short update. Hopefully I can keep this up again.
P.S. - New Lee Dewyze CD is AWESOME!!!!!! Check it out....
Love ya!
Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Our little life...full of simple joys :)

Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Harper's first trip to the Dog Park

Posted by Darren & Crystal Libby at 9:44 AM 0 comments